Diving Center Scopello
Boat Excursions Woth Snorkelling
First Individual Dives Ceremony
Diving Courses
Scuba Refresher
+39 338 5445761

91014 Scopello - Castellammare del Golfo



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For information you can contact us at our telephone numbers:

Vittorio Ballerini
+39 368 3864808

+39 338 544 5761

By e-mail to:


Write us by post:
Cetaria Diving Center
Via Ciro Menotti 4
91014 Scopello
Castellammare del Golfo (TP) ITALY

The Kent Wreck is also known as "the Koran ship" because it carried thousands of copies of the Koran when it sank.

A cargo tonnage of 783 gross tons, flying the Cypriot flag, ship sunk in 1978, lies on the sandy bottom of the sea, in a good state, at a depth of 50 m. Going down along the shot line you can see the wreck at a depth of 25 m At 47 m.
Lobsters, morays, octopuses and other creatures live comfortably in the main bridge or in the engine -room. 

The cargo, 70 m. long, contains lots of other life. A cloud of Anthias and Castagnole surrounds the majestic prow.

Spirobis worms, sponges and anemones cover the ship and bring it to life.

As the wreck is deep, we usually make two separate dives, one to visit the poop and the other one to visit the prow.

Depth : min 47; max 52
Degree of difficulty: difficult
Currents: medium to hard
Level of visibility: good 

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